
The Fabrics That Got Away

As my readers are well aware, I hate appliqué, but there wasn’t really another way to do this block, so I cut out the pieces and got started.

For a change, I remembered to cut the background square larger than usual, so that I could trim it down after the appliqué was done.

And I’m glad I did, because there was a fair amount of bunching up. Those kite-shaped pieces were especially tricky, with all that seam allowance needing to be stuffed under that very pointy outer point.

I semi-fussy cut the fabric, having a polka dot in each point, which in retrospect might not have been the best idea. It definitely shows where I was a little off in marking stitching lines or turning fabric under at those super-pointy points.

As I stitched, I spent a lot of time trying to remember where I got this fabric, browsing through photos I’ve taken of past fabric purchases. Yes, I actually do this; I’ve acquired so many little bits of fabric over the eight years I’ve been working on this quilt that sometimes it’s hard to remember where each piece came from, and the photos help jog my memory.

Eventually, I figured out that it came from fellow quilt guild member Pam P., along with the fabric used in my recent clover-shaped block.

I covet Pam’s entire fabric collection, and she had so much of it on sale at a quilting retreat a few years ago. I would have loved to buy it all, but I didn’t have that kind of spare cash at that time.

So, instead, I just bought a couple of small grab bags of scraps from her (contents pictured below), and forever regretted not investing in more of her fabric.


These days, I’m trying to take those serendipitous fabric opportunities where I can get them. I just purchased some 20-year-old plus fabric online which may feature in one of the later corner blocks (plus I think I will have enough left to make some kind of lap quilt).

It’s nice that nobody wants the fabric from 20+ years ago, so I can get a good deal and end up with the colors and styles I like best anyways.

And Pam, if you’re reading this and have any other fabric you want to get rid of … you know where to find me.

4 thoughts on “The Fabrics That Got Away

  1. I love applique and you did a fantastic job even with the little dots in the corners! Have you seen the lady from France is doing DJ all applique, no piecing! As always I enjoy reading about your journey with Jane!

    1. I have been following her journey, and I can’t even imagine doing that much applique. Her blocks sure look great though!

    1. I have been on a quest for better points. The tip that has helped me the most so far is to fold the seam allowance at the point so that the sticky-out part sticks out on the side that you’re stitching down first (if that makes sense). This way, by the time you get to the actual point, you’ve already dealt with all the seam allowance that is trying to escape, and it’s smooth sailing as you stitch away from the point.

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