The April Fool
March is historically not a great month for our family, and this one was no exception – a stressful and draining 31 days for sure. So, I wanted a Dear Jane block […]
March is historically not a great month for our family, and this one was no exception – a stressful and draining 31 days for sure. So, I wanted a Dear Jane block […]
This is another one of those blocks where there are as many possible construction methods as there are quilters. The Dear Jane software has you making the four quadrants of […]
Sometimes I can’t figure out why blocks are marked as advanced difficulty. Often it’s because it has set-in seams, but there weren’t any here. Nor did it have particularly tiny […]
As soon as I saw this block, I thought that it looked like the kind of stylized table and chairs that are used in room plans by interior designers. Which is appropriate, […]
The month of October was a productive one for my quilting projects. I had finished one Dear Jane block fairly early in the month, and cut out the pieces for […]
This block reminds me of a barn door, especially in this particular white on red color scheme. It’s a nice simple block; just what I needed after the previous complicated […]
Some people who are making this quilt do all the blocks in order from top left to bottom right, but for me, that leaves too much room for procrastinating if […]
I love this leaf print, but it’s not exactly the kind of fabric they had available during the Civil War. Initially, the decision about whether or not to use it was made […]
I had originally planned to do a different block here, but I was undecided about what fabric I wanted to use, and dragging my feet about getting started, so I […]
At first glance, this block looks like it’s made from four tiny snowball blocks, but it turns out they’re not constructed like traditional snowball blocks at all. With a snowball […]
The corner block I finished in February was exhausting (mostly due to the appliquéd stars). It was a relief to pick a block where 100% of the pieces could be […]
I’ve been seeing the occasional stitch next to a seam intersection that is visible from the front of the block. How could this be? Was the thread not pulled tight […]